IoT Consulting

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IoT Consulting

“Unlock the business value of connected devices”

The Internet of Things (IoT) concerns devices that generate and transmit data over the Internet. IoT makes it easier to monitor and control devices, machinery and equipment. It is a web of smartly connected devices, buildings, vehicles, systems, actuators and network connections. It is a globally connected, highly dynamic and interactive network of physical and virtual devices.

 We help innovative tech firms gain an advantage over on the competition by the use of smart products in wearables, healthcare, connected home and industrial automation fields. This helps businesses achieve their goals, cut down on expenses and increase their efficiency via the use of actionable data from distributed connected sensors, objects and devices. Each contains intelligent software and sensors. This allows them to ‘talk’ to each other and enable the completion of tasks, with minimal (if any) user interaction.

 Digital Notation offers comprehensive custom software development services for the IoT ecosystem. We help customers choose the best platform for IT landscapes.

 We enable our clients to meet their current business needs, grow efficiencies, and create a foundation for new-age economic growth and competitiveness.

IoT Consulting for Digital Transformation

At Digital Notation, we see IoT as a powerful tool able to drive digital transformation. This is not a mere assumption. We deliver full-cycle IoT services to help businesses catch the wave of digital transformation. 

 We have reinforced our offering with a wide array of IoT consulting services. Our consultants are ready to share their knowledge and hands-on expertise to help you create the right IoT strategy for your digital transformation initiative or find the best-fit approach to evolve an existing IoT solution. We build every product with privacy, security, and scalability in mind. Our team becomes an extension of your team, and we will use our hands-on experience to be true partners during your product development journey.

 The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to transform economies worldwide. Thanks to the era of “connecting the unconnected,” cities, transportation, supply chains, commercial real estate, and industries like health care, retail, and entertainment are becoming smarter, more efficient, and resilient. An IoT strategy for any organisation should, holistically speaking, be part of a bigger Digital Transformation (DX) vision. The application of a technology-centric business vision and accompanying strategies is mandatory for firms to thrive in a digital economy. Firms embark on DX to create value and extend their competitive advantages through new products and services, new business models and relationships, improving both customer experiences and operational efficiencies.

Digital Notation has a range of IoT solutions to fit your business needs

Unlock efficiencies with IoT 

Our IoT offerings

IoT Solutions

We ingest intelligent data, transforming it from reactive to proactive, enabling us to respond to events and opportunities through... 

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Benefits of using IoT

IoT technology expands the possibilities of any business by providing it with the most valuable asset: real-time accurate data. 

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IoT Integration Design

The integration of information technology and operating technologies is driving powerful synergies — between the physical... 

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IoT Consulting and Research

We use our cross-functional expertise to make sure yours gets to market on time and on budget. You need a development team that understands the intricacies of IoT technology. 

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IoT and IIoT

Internet of Things saves you time and money on interacting with a great number of devices that you use. We implement solutions that monitor data, automate the routine procedures, and predict how to optimise... 

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