Digital Notation IoT Offerings

Let's Talk


  • We help you understand how IoT will influence your business, identify new business use cases, and define your roadmap to success
  • Define technology requirements and problem statements
  • Identify business processes

Product Development

  • We customise end-to-end IoT solutions by leveraging our domain expertise and partner products/platforms
  • Develop prototypes
  • Streamline product development processes
  • Implement design flow

System Integration

  • We integrate hardware, OS, drivers, middleware and applications for a smart device
  • Enterprise system integration
  • IoT device integration

Intelligent Devices

  • We leverage hardware and software design of intelligent devices to enable smooth connectivity. We also support application use cases across multiple segments
  • Define and enable device IoT

IoT Solutions

We ingest intelligent data, transforming it from reactive to proactive, enabling us to respond to events and opportunities through... 

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Benefits of using IoT

IoT technology expands the possibilities of any business by providing it with the most valuable asset: real-time accurate data. 

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IoT integration Design

The integration of information technology and operating technologies is driving powerful synergies — between the physical... 

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