AI Technologies


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AI Technologies

Each of these elements is separate from the others and is backed by various methods and technologies. Most importantly, each is rapidly evolving and is developing its own marketplace where there is a choice and selection to any company that wants to deploy them as part of an interface to whatever product it happens to offer.

  • Speech recognition (the ability to recognise talking, colloquialisms and accents while ignoring background speech and non-speech sounds - as well as doing it all in real time -- while the user is still talking).
  • File compression and transfer (the speed by which the voice file can be packed up and shipped off to the data center for processing).
  • Artificial intelligence (the ability of the servers and software to "understand" the user input and decide what information to offer as the response).
  • Data sources (access to knowledge bases, computational engines and other data to inform the response).
  • User context (information extracted from email, calendars, contacts, location, history and whatever is on-screen at the moment).
  • Conversation engine (the ability to phrase the response with variety, colloquial speech, humour and context).
  • Agency (the ability to do things on behalf of the user, such as make reservations, reach out to contacts, buy things, launch apps and execute commands in those apps).
  • Proactivity (the ability to choose what to do and when without being prompted by the user).

Digital Notation has a range of AI solutions to fit your business needs

Unlock possibilities with AI 

Our AI Solutions

AI Natural Language and Processing

NLP is a collection of processes, algorithms, and tools used by intelligent systems to interpret text data written in human language for...  

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AI Driven Mobile App Development

AI-based mobile apps are getting smarter to serve business purposes and boost revenue. Personalised user-experience, security effective design...

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What does AI offer?

Machine learning allows computers to determine rules on how data changes without explicitly programming those rules: study available data and analyse clients’ behaviours... 

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