Smart Quality Engineering

Let's Talk

Smart Quality Engineering

Digital Notation helps businesses to focus on their enhancement of products and services as digital transformation has introduced many multi-layer changes in organisations’ approaches to software development. Assurance-based actions have expanded and gained new meanings. We see the importance of quality assurance and testing as a means to transform from being a mere ‘bug-finder’ into a sure-fire approach towards customer satisfaction, quality assurance and business performance.

Our effective testing delivers high performance applications.

Following are some of the reasons why we implement the best quality assurance practices to ensure higher productivity and faster turnaround time for our clients. With a well-thought test strategy, you will be able to:

  • Convert lagging applications to high performing ones
  • Make end results meet with clients’ expectations
  • Iron out errors missed during the development phase
  • Reduce the applications go-to-market time
  • Address loopholes to mitigate risks
  • Reduce the total cost of ownership
  • Establish new industry benchmarks

Our Test Strategies

We formulate a clear test strategy for our clients in order to unleash the potential of their application and retain a competitive edge within the industry.

Our team of dedicated QA engineers cater for web, mobile, and desktop testing services and is always ready to perform an audit of your software and suggest the best way to amend it to correspond to the high standards of your business.

We offer a wide selection of testing techniques and environments to ensure that your product will operate as designed and pass rigorous industry requirements.

Our Key Offerings

  • Web and mobile test automation
  • UX/UI testing
  • Performance engineering
  • Functional/non-functional testing
  • Web/mobile Product integration testing
  • Vulnerability/security testing
  • Test automation Frameworks – Web and mobile
  • Usability testing
  • Variant testing
  • Stress testing
  • Regression testing

Tools/technologies expertise:

These include Selenium, Appium, Python, pytest, Robotium, JMeter, LoadRunner, and Xamarin Test Cloud.

QA Consulting

Quality Assurance is now connected with business just as much as it was connected with technicalities. Our QA specialists are an integral part of the development team, serving as a connection between developers, operations and business. Quality is the driving force behind the success of any business. Let Digital Notation help you achieve the brilliant quality of your software products with our QA and testing services. For better results, our company combines automatic and manual testing. Such an approach allows us to automate certain testing processes and, at the same time, ensure not a single issue is missed.

Smart Quality Engineering

We engineer smart quality devices that give competitive edge.

How can we help you?