Platform Transformation

Let's Talk

Platform Transformation

We will help you grow your organisation to scale on a platform with more rapid, efficient and balanced modularity!

We help businesses in shifting from the pipeline structure to the platform structure. In this shift, the simple pipeline arrangement is transformed into a complex relationship in which your business, consumers, and platform enter a variable set of relationships.


Digital Notation integrates engineering strategy at the outset of your project in order to assess scope, technical requirements, approach, and feasibility.

In order to solve tough problems, we begin by listening carefully. This enables us to understand the technology stack and touch points needed to solve the problem, along with mock-up user experience screens and UI components for touch points selected to provide a solution to the problem.

Our full-stack engineering drives every strategic goal and capability, resulting in unparalleled digital experiences. Expertise and deep experience in Agile web development and key modern web concepts (like responsive design, progressive web apps, Universal JS, and improved accessibility tools) mean that we can build a custom, enterprise-grade solution to meet every need.

Source Code Ownership and IP Protection

Source code should be your property, so we transfer the copyright to you. We also take care of IP protection to keep your data and ideas safe.

Our Process

We are problem solvers who construct and deliver technical solutions that align with your needs and expectations. We are passionate consumers of technology and support a variety of delivery models, from Agile to retainer-based projects.

We approach technology solutions by using multiple dimensions of collaboration. Primarily, we collaborate with you to create the best solution to your business. We also collaborate seamlessly with our design team, ensuring the technology solution reflects your brand’s promise and experience. We use Agile best practices such as Sprint-based development and quick releases of functionality. In short, we are iterative, transparent, and believe the simplest solution is usually the best.

Platform Transformation

We will help you grow your organisation to scale on a platform more rapidly, efficiently and balanced modularity!

How can we help you?