Cyber Application

Let's Talk

Cyber Application 

Each day, thousands of companies are attacked by cybercriminals. Our mission is to protect your company from real financial losses.

Security incidents are issues that require planning, preparation, and prevention. Digital Notation help to prevent breaches from occurring and offer protection for when they do. We help clients protect their most valuable assets - their people, property, and reputations

Our cyber experts consult with clients to create custom solutions to address their unique cyber risk.

Continuous Hacking

We detect vulnerabilities continuously as the software evolves during your development cycle. Our team runs comprehensive testing, detecting all vulnerabilities with no false positives.

Our participation during the entire development period allows us to detect security issues continuously as the software evolves. There is no need to have a working environment to start hacking since we are able to analyse source code published on a project’s GIT repository. The rigorous inspection carried out by our team allows us to detect all security issues with no false positives and to check if issues were properly repaired before the system goes into the production phase.

Hacking techniques

  • Integral continuous hacking is achieved through application and infrastructure ethical hacking, as well as source code analysis. We require access to both the GIT repository and integration environment, in order to perform integral continuous hacking.
  • In limited continuous ethical hacking, you can choose between application ethical hacking and source code analysis. Access to the GIT repository or the integration environment is required to perform limited continuous hacking.

Health check

If there were any previous issues, it is necessary to perform a health check. This means we will attack all versions of the existing code in addition to the monthly test limit to catch up with the development testing.

Severity and Hacking Environments

You are able to decide which security requirements will be tested via each Ethical Hacking (Profiling) through our Rules product. You will know the exact severity for each hacking (for inspected and non-inspected profiled requirements). The basic service allows customers to choose a single environment from production, testing or integration. Customers can also add additional testing environments for validation.

Highly trained hacking team

Our hackers have practical certifications and academic backgrounds related to security testing. They perform manual testing and use tools to guarantee that our reporting includes insecure programming practices, standard alignment and security regulation compliance, plus findings with specific business impacts. This enables us to detect Zero Day findings with no false positive reports.

Penetration Testing

We enable you to identify the holes in your systems before the hackers use them against you.  

We will find all cracks in your web and mobile application security before real hackers run it to the ground. 

Penetration testing service types:

  • Compliance specific (PCI, HIPAA, SOC2,3, OWASP) or organisation penetration tests (Internal and external)
  • Application penetration tests (Web and mobile)
  • Wireless penetration tests (WEP, WPA, WPA2-PSK, WPA2-Enterprise)
  • Social engineering security testing (physical, pre-text calling, and phishing)
  • Our company will conduct manual verification of exploitable or significant vulnerabilities according to OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) level 1guidelines and OWASP Top 10 security standards. Our customised services approach also supports boutique engagements aligned with specific objectives or technologies. Services may include:
  • Code Review

Cyber Application

Each day, thousands of companies are attacked by cybercriminals. Our mission is to help you protect your company from real financial losses.

How can we help you?

Scalable QA test automation services

Digital transformation has brought lots of multi-layer changes in organisations’ approach to software development. Quality Assurance is now connected with business just as much as it was connected with technicalities.

Agile/DevOps methodologies come in hand with the attitude towards connecting stakeholders while bringing speed and quality as projects baseline.

We have developed our test automation service package to deliver flawless software to our clients within tight timelines and rely on best world practices to ensure the continuation of the business operations.

DevSecOps Automation that works

Security is important. Security is in our DNA. Protecting our partners is number one priority for Digital Notation.

At Digital Notation, we recognise both shortcomings and advantages of Security Automation, and only offer solutions that truly bring value.

Our purpose-built, as well as free and open-source software tools, custom-configured for your product, free your budget from expensive license fees while delivering real results.

Tailored automation

  • Dynamic Security Regression Testing
  • Static Security Regression Testing
  • 3rd-party Component Security

Cloud Security Patch Management

Benefits of test automation


Cut overall QA costs

Costs are reduced as the QA team shrinks due to the manual work replacement.


Overall testing time decreases as automated tests can be run quickly, anywhere and are conditionally free.

Improve product quality

Automated tests eliminate possible human mistakes – automation does not ignore or overlook the things that a real person can.

Optimise testing activities

Automated tests release tester's time, thus allowing to focus on testing extra functionality where manual tests are required.

Increase productivity

Automation can increase productivity by reducing the time required to perform repetitive tasks.

Better test coverage

Test automation, unlike manual testing, provides much greater test coverage when it comes to processing large data volumes.

Identity Access Management

Attackers can often exploit compromised user information to access an organisations data. Effective identity management ensures that right people are accessing right resources at the right times, and for legitimate reasons. This is of course important for productivity, as it allows users quickly log in various systems from different devices. While preventing them from accessing privileges that aren’t necessary for their roles.

Any identity access management solution should include the following:

  • How individuals are identified
  • How roles are identified and how they are assigned to users in a system
  • Adding, removing, and updating individuals and/or groups
  • Assigning levels of access for individuals and/or groups
  • Protecting the sensitive data and securing a system

There are three primary types of identity access management. They are as follows:

  • Single Sign On
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Privileged Access Management

Other Solutions we offer:


Endpoint security services.

Each device — such as laptops, tablets, smart phones — that connects remotely your corporate network represents a potential entry point for security threats. As more and more employees bring consumer devices to work. Endpoint protection is becoming increasingly important — so we utilise endpoint protection tools to close these potential attack paths. 

DDoS protection

Distributed denial—of— service (DDoS) attacks are becoming increasingly prevalent and can pose a significant risk of disrupting your services. Our experts have extensive experience using DDoS mitigation techniques and of course tools to minimise the impact of these attacks and keep our clients’ businesses running smoothly.

Staff training on Software Security

Get your Developers, Testers, and DevOps actively protecting the product.

Keeping your staff knowledgeable and aware of security issues is integral to building dependable products.

Educating your engineers in Software Security and OWASP best-practices will let you leverage their potential to create software with security built in.

Like with health issues, security problems are cheaper to prevent than to suffer, diagnose, and treat.

Not sure what security services you need?

Let us know where you are in your security journey, and we will recommend the best steps on your way forward. Contact us for a discussion about your business context, strategic priorities, compliance requirements, and actual threats. We are sure we can add value.

Cyber Application

Each day, thousands of companies are attacked by cybercriminals. Our mission is to help you protect your company from real financial losses.

How can we help you?